AIR+ Smart Mask, Beating The Haze

AIR+ Smart Mask

AIR+ Smart Mask

The haze is getting worse these days as PSI readings soared overnight hitting 321. It was announced yesterday that schools will be closed for today due to the toxic air and it is strongly advised that pregnant women, children and old people stay indoors with the windows shut and aircon on. Lucky for me, that is possible since im a stay at home mum. BUT what about the people who still have to go to work and the children they still have to send to school because their parents may not be able to make other caregiving arrangements for them on such short notice? Take precautionary measures if you have to venture out of your home.

In 2013, when I came back to Singapore, pregnant with Charles. The haze was also at its worse. I remember N95 masks selling like wild fire and it was sold out everywhere. People were selling the mask privately for as much as $100 a piece (yes, you are reading this right)! Such assholes. I think its ridiculous to sell something that cost less than $1 at 100 times its price just because you know people need it for their health. Anyway, although i did manage to get my hands on a few pieces of N95 mask, it was really uncomfortable to wear. It was hot and sweaty inside the mask as there was NO ventilation! Not to mention how much carbon dioxide there was trapped inside the mask since im just recycling the air. Plus being pregnant really didnt help the breathing situation. I felt so breathless when i had the mask on.

Here i have with me, is an AIR+ Smart Mask. Its designed to allow maximum airflow without compromising the protection the mask should be providing. The mask features soft cushioning to provide a snug yet comfortable fit on our faces. The filter fabric is the latest innovation in filter mesh structure that helps you breathe with the least effort while attaining N95-class protection. The AIR+ Micro Ventilator could be added on to the AIR+ Smart Mask for even fresher air! This allows the extraction of heat, moisture and CO2 from the mask, providing total comfort (yet again) inside the mask.

AIR+ Smart Mask with the AIR+ Micro Ventilaor

AIR+ Smart Mask with the AIR+ Micro Ventilaor

The AIR+ Smart Mask comes in 3 different sizes. S, M and L. I fit size M. Size does matter and i do strongly advise you to buy a size that fits snugly on your face. Each box has 3 pieces of masks and you should change it once you feel that the valves are clogged up.

AIR+ Micro Ventilator

AIR+ Micro Ventilator

The AIR+ Micro Ventilator is reusable. You just need to charge it with the USB cable provided. (:

AIR+ Smart Mask

AIR+ Smart Mask

The AIR+ Smart Mask comes with detailed instructions on how to put it on (in case you are an idiot) and it is also individually packed!

Protect your family today! Make sure you have a set of AIR+ Smart Mask incase anyone needs to head outside and the PSI reading is in the hazardous range.

You can buy these masks at ALL watsons stores around the island.

If you want to find out more, do visit

Stay safe everyone!
