Before all the smart phones and tablets arrived in our world, there were entertainment of a different kind at home. Board games like Monopoly, The Game Of Life, UNO, Jenga and many more were games that made both the young … Continue reading
Before all the smart phones and tablets arrived in our world, there were entertainment of a different kind at home. Board games like Monopoly, The Game Of Life, UNO, Jenga and many more were games that made both the young … Continue reading
Kumoya has now transformed into the magical land of sparkly rainbows with their new pop-up theme, My Little Pony. For a limited time only, fans of the series would see familiar ponies like Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, … Continue reading
“You don’t truly feel a loss until you have truly lost whatever, whomever. This is a lesson that you’ll never be able to learn because each time, it hurts differently.” Unknown If you ask me what grieve feels like, I … Continue reading