Four Cow Farm

Four Cow Farm

Four Cow Farm

It took me a whole month to do this review and im glad to be able to finally sit down and write this one up. First of all, let me just say that i absolutely LOVE the Four Cow Farm products! You will know why when you read the rest of my post but the number one reason why is because their products really really suits Mikhail!!

Past few weeks, Mikhail has been having explosive poop pretty frequently throughout a single day. Dont worry, he isnt having any stomach problems. Its just that his tiny tummy can only hold say 120ml of milk but this greedy little milk monster wants to drink 300ml. So some milk he will throw up (yes, what a waste) and a good portion of it, he poops out. So since he drinks so much and so frequently, he also poops frequently. HAHAHA! Because of the many poops, Mikhail has some nappy rash and no matter what nappy cream i tried, it didnt really make a difference. Infact, some of the creams kinda made it worse because the texture is too thick, and then i have to wipe harder to get it off his skin when he poo. ): So i tried the Four Cow Farm Nappy Cream and his butt was cleared by the next wash!! Yes, sounds like magic. Even i couldnt believe it at first.

Here is the Nappy Cream

Mikhail's favourite NAPPY CREAM

Mikhail’s favourite NAPPY CREAM

It is a rich emollient barrier cream combining the anti-inflammatory properties of Extra Virgin Castor Oil, the moisturising and safeguarding actions of Extra Virgin Sunflower Seed Oil, the nourishing, strengthening anti-oxidant benefits of Soy Lecithin and the soothing protective qualities of Zinc Oxide. An exquisitely smooth and gentle cream for baby’s most sensitive skin.

All Four Cow Farm products are made from 100% natural ingredients! There are absolutely no synthetic or harmful ingredients in their products, which is also what i love.

Here are some of their other products which I use on Mikhail and Charles!



This Calendula Remedy is also another miracle worker. Because of the hazee, i have been turning on the aircon all day in the house since i shut every window to prevent the haze from coming in. As a result, Charles has been suffering from dry patches of skin on his body and i apply this thinly before he goes to bed. After 2 days, the dry patches are gone. (: Now i apply it on myself too cause my skin dries out as well.

The products come with a whole bunch of informative reading materials too!

Uses for the products!

Uses for the products!

Guide To Baby Skincare

Guide To Baby Skincare

Knowing Your Products

Knowing Your Products

If you are having trouble with your little baby’s skin, give Four Cow Farm a try and witness the wonders of truly natural and organic products yourself. Straight from nature to your home. 😀

You can buy Four Cow Farm products at:

To better products for our baby’s delicate skins!
