What Is In My Bag?

What Is In My Bag?

What Is In My Bag?

I received a few PMs on what i pack into my bag when i go out with Mikhail. Im sorry i took 2 weeks to respond to you but thats because i havent really brought him out for an actual outing till this week. So here i am with the low down on what i bring out with me when the little milk monster is in tow.

Things In My Bag:

1) Diaper Pouch (little twin star design)

– 5 Moony Diapers

– 1 pack of Moony Wipes

I buy my MOONY products from BBWarehouse! They bring in lots of premium products from Japan and Australia! I love Moony cause everything is so soft. Diapers also soft, wipes also soft! (:


– 1 tube of Gaia nappy cream

– 1 pack of Quickgrab Disposable Nappy Bag

– 1 Spray Bottle with boiled water (cooled to room temperature)

Diaper Pouch from Embroidery Garden

Diaper Pouch from Embroidery Garden

I love love love this diaper pouch from Embroidery Garden! Its just so pretty to look at and its very convenient to have everything in one place when i need to take Mikhail for a diaper change. The diaper pouch is practically designed andd the workmanship is top notch.

Spacious interior and also pretty on the inside!

Spacious interior and also pretty on the inside!

If you like the idea of this diaper pouch, you can get yours at:


They have just added more new designs so do check them out!

2) Nursing Cover

This nursing cover is from a FB shop called Mummy’s Love.

I love that the fabric is really light and cooling. It is not hot or stuffy under it for Mikhail when he nurses. Not to mention, the design! This rainbow colour design is just so gorgeous and it makes me so happy looking at it.

If you are interested in buying this nursing cover, you can place an order by email or whatsapp.

Email: mummyslovenursingcover@gmail.com

Phone: 92221508

Nursing Cover from Mummy's Love

Nursing Cover from Mummy’s Love

3) Entertainment

I bring along with me a Book and Taggie Blankie. The book was ordered online and the personalised Taggie Blankie from MadeWithLove! (:

Taggie Blankie from Made With Love

Taggie Blankie from Made With Love

I usually use bags that are light weight and waterproof. It doesnt have to be specially made to be used as a baby bag. To me, as long as the bag is roomy, light and waterproof, its good to be a baby bag. (:


I have 3 DIAPER POUCHES to give away! All you need to do is follow the simple steps below.

1) Like and Share this post on FB! (please set it to public)

2) Comment on the FB post with the answer to my question.

Q: How many items are in my bag?

Giveaway closes on 15th October 2015, 23:59.

