Little Adventures, Big Dreams

I realised i have been gone for quite awhile and cobwebs are starting to form on my website. BUT you know, it was year end and theres usually just alot going on in the months of November and December. That … Continue reading

Meeting Dr.Ang Poon Liat

Dr.Ang with the Mother Bloggers!

Dr.Ang with the Mother Bloggers!

It was a great honour for me to attend and meet Dr Ang Poon Liat, consultant paediatrician for Thomson Paediatric Centre at the Rise and Shine Seminar for parents on 7th November 2015.

He’s a strong believer that nutrition is the utmost important part for our brain and health development and gave me an insight on what we eat directly affects us, both our mental and physical well being. In this competitive world, with mostly both parents working, eating out is totally unavoidable. As such, how do we eat healthy while eating out?

Compared to fast foods, hawker food will be preferred. Eat more steam-cook food and lesser fried food as nutrients will be lost due to high temperature presented during frying. Of cos, it will still be best for us to eat at home for at least one meal a day. Eating healthily doesn’t mean we need to spend a lot. We can always go to the market and request for the local produce! Theres kampong eggs/farm- free fishes like mackerel.

All parents, i strongly encouraged you to buy Dr Ang’s books! You may get them from Thomson Medical Centre or He wrote these 2 books for a social agenda. He’s been working in this field for 45 years, in his journey, he sees more upcoming problem such as cancer and death from diseases. This book will give you better insight on how to improve our health and also, how are we able to give our future generation a balanced lifestyle.


The books are retailed at $80. All profits will be donated to charity.

Written By: Hui Juan
From: MLBB Mother’s Panel

Titan365 Home Disinfection

Recently, i did the Titan 365 Home Disinfection on the whole interior of my house. To protect my family and myself from the ever horrifying viruses and germs everywhere! With the prevalent outbreaks of common childhood diseases such as Hand-Foot-Mouth … Continue reading