Little Adventures, Big Dreams


I realised i have been gone for quite awhile and cobwebs are starting to form on my website. BUT you know, it was year end and theres usually just alot going on in the months of November and December. That and i was too busy to write. I did short updates on the Mummy’s Little Black Book facebook page though. That counts, right? :/

So, I have been working on a few projects and also started working. Yes, im now an official working mum. I still struggle everyday with the guilt of not being able to give Mikhail the same amount of time i gave to Charles when he was at his baby stage and trust me, its a serious battle inside me everyday. Some fellow working mothers do send me encouraging and comforting messages telling me that the guilt will die away with time. So far, it just getting worse. Thata a rant for another day.

Today, i want to introduce a new FB page that i have started for my 2 little angels who colour my life vibrantly. It will be a platform where you could follow their little adventures as they explore through life and the things around them. Watch Mikhail take his first steps, or Charles learning new words. Follow them as they journey through a life thats full of love and learn the about themselves. Learn along with them about love, for one’s self, family and others.

Be inspired, and always happy.
