I want to try keeping a diary again, as I have done in my younger days and for a short while during the early years of motherhood. The scarcity of time is what contributed to the gross neglect of this website. Hell, I bare even have time to sleep. However…recent months have been quite the battle and for the sake of my mental and emotional well being, penning typing down my thoughts may just be the outlet I need to clear my mind.
It’s literally 3 more sleeps to CNY, the festive holiday I dread yearly. Im just glad that this year (as with the last), I don’t have to make up some insane excuse on why I can’t go visiting. The only thing COVID-19 has been good for, is making the refusal to go visit relatives I clearly dont have a real relationship with totally acceptable. Otherwise, its just horrible to refuse. Because….traditions….*eyeroll

Just me, chilling with a sheet mask on my face.
Did I finally go to the bank to withdraw new notes for the red packet preparation? Nope. Why would anyone care if the note is old??! I have always wondered, but never found any compelling reason to actually find out. I still don’t. Also, we wont be giving out any red packets this year as we are still in mourning.
Another funny note is that I’m actually finishing up this entry on the 3rd day of CNY. Yes, I started typing this entry 3 days BEFORE the lunar new year but didn’t complete it because my internet died on me. At first we thought our internet provider was down but as it turns out, the fibre cables are somehow…not working anymore. What does this mean? Either due to wear and tear (which in all honesty sounds like bullshit because how does some wires hidden inside the walls of a concrete building suffer wear and tear?) or someone accidentally cut it/touched it/damaged it while they were doing some renovation works. Our block has been undergoing some HIP upgrading thing so we think, the latter seems much more plausible.
Whatever it is, we are still without working internet in the house and everyone is relying on my phone’s data. Yay to a probably very expensive phone bill come the end of the month. GREAT start to the lunar new year for us…not.
On a slightly more positive note, I’m finally about to embark on a new segment of my weight-loss journey. Since I have successfully lost a whopping 40kg with The Artisan Clinic over the past 1 year and more, I am now looking to drop more kilograms but with help. There is a new epi-pen like weight loss drug in town and I’m told its safe-ish. I’m no doctor and once again, would like to say that everyone should consult a doctor before embarking on any weight loss medications even if they are not pills.

I have achieved this, so far, naturally with the help of a very tailored body treatment regime at The Artisan Clinic and under Dr.Isaac Wong’s guidance.
Now, I am going to try losing more with this new slimming medication called Saxenda which is a test of how badly I want to fit in a size 10 outfit. You see, Saxenda is NOT a pill.

It a whole pen with a needle tip which I have to jab into my fats daily. The problem is…I am terrified of needles. I am needle-phobic. <- this is a contributing factor to why I don’t hold a Canadian PR despite being married to a Canadian citizen and having lived in Canada for 7.5years. Yes, that is how severe my fear is. I hyperventilated in the car, on the way to get my blood test done for the PR application. My mother-in-law thought I was a criminal or crazy.
I will keep you guys posted on how jabbing myself daily works out for me. Yes, with photos.
Till my next session with this keyboard whenever I get our wifi working again, take care guys and may you guys have fun gathering in your intimate groups this CNY.