
Day 5: Mikhail is all smiiles!

Day 5: Mikhail is all smiiles!

Here is Mikhail smiling, i love this picture (taken yesterday)! Sleep arrangements are fine so far although i dont get any sleep since Mikhail enjoys waking up every 1.5 – 2 hours for milk. Thankfully, Charles sleeps pretty well even though Mikhail does make little cute noises throughout the night while latching. I almost forgot how much work goes into building up my supply in the first couple months of breastfeeding. As it is now, i latch and pump after to make sure both breast are emptied (Mikhail only drinks 1 side at each feed). So by the time im done pumping and washing my bottles and part, change his diaper (he takes a poo after every feed), i have 15-20mins of sleep (yay!) before Mikhail wakes up for his next feed. Such is the life of a cow. LOL.

So this post is mainly just pictures of my stay at Gleneagles and of the people who came to visit. Thank you everyone who came and sorry if i was too tired to take a picture with you. 😀

My 2 little angels

My 2 little angels

Charles giving Mikhail love

Charles giving Mikhail love

Charles giving Mikhail his first brotherly kiss!

Charles giving Mikhail his first brotherly kiss!

I think Mikhail is grumpy! HAHA

I think Mikhail is grumpy! HAHA

Right after i woke up from the surgery.

Right after i woke up from the surgery.

Minutes before the c-section!

Minutes before the c-section!

Yvette and Mikhail

Yvette and Mikhail

i love you my Charles

i love you my Charles

The first latch, it looks bad cause i just woke up from surgery and couldnt sit up properly.

The first latch, it looks bad cause i just woke up from surgery and couldnt sit up properly.

Melva and Charles

Melva and Charles

Grandpa and the boys

Grandpa and the boys

Mikhail with Grandpa

Mikhail with Grandpa

Charles wants to carry Mikhail

Charles wants to carry Mikhail

Casey and me!

Casey and Me!

Sammie and Charles

Sammie and Charles

mummy and Mikhail

mummy and Mikhail

The rooms at Gleneagles are really beautiful and feels exactly like a hotel!

My 4 day staycation at Gleneagles!

My 4 day staycation at Gleneagles!

Dont mind my husband, he was setting up my phone and laptop chargers so i wont run out battery during my stay.

Nassim Suite 111

Nassim Suite 111

Spacious and practical bathroom!

The bathroom is spacious and practical!

The bathroom is spacious and practical!

Sorry for the non-wordy post and all the photos! 😀 Have a great sunday everyone!
