Raw Food For My Toddler?

Shinji @ St.Regis

Shinji @ St.Regis

I love Japanese food and im pretty sure Charles loves it too! Lucky for us, my mum brings us both (and Mikhail who is in my tummy) for Japanese pretty often and needless to say, my favourite Japanese place is Shinji. I know alot of parents are weary of their toddlers consuming raw foods but i am personally comfortable with it as long as it is in a reputable restaurant. The only thing of course, is to look out for any allergy. Japanese food was a big hit with Charles since he was interested in eating at 13 months old (yes, he only started solids at 13 months).

Digressing a little, I just want to say to all you first time parents out there, not to worry if your baby shows no interest in solids at 4 months old (or even 8 months old). Its completely normal. Infact, it is actually NOT advisable for babies below 9 months to start eating solids. Milk (especially breastmilk) is sufficient for the baby. How do i know? Because Charles was fully and SOLELY breastfed till he was 13 months old. Yes. He had zero interest in solids and would spit everything and anything that wasnt breastmilk, including powdered milk a.k.a formula milk. So please, dont start worrying listening to other people telling you that your baby needs to eat. ITS COMPLETELY OKAY IF YOUR BABY DOESNT WANT TO EAT. As long as your baby gains weight and is happy and active, you are doing a great job! 😀

Now back to toddlers eating raw foods. If you worry that they will get food poisoning from eating raw food, know that you will also get poisoned if the food isnt safe for consumption. Of course, like i mentioned before, please only allow your toddler to consume raw cuisine from very very reputable restaurants (high quality food thats fresh). Also, always in moderation. Too much of anything is bad.

Start with tasting portions. A little just for taste and monitor them for allergic reactions.

Signs and Symptoms of allergic reactions to food:

Food allergy reactions can vary from person to person. Some can be very mild and only involve one part of the body, like hives on the skin. Others can be more severe and involve more than one part of the body. Reactions can occur within a few minutes or up to a few hours after contact with the food.

Food allergy reactions can affect any of the four following areas of the body:

  1. skin: itchy red bumps (hives); eczema; redness and swelling of the face or extremities; itching and swelling of the lips, tongue, or mouth (skin reactions are the most common type of reaction)
  2. gastrointestinal tract: abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea
  3. respiratory tract: runny or stuffy nose, sneezing, coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath
  4. cardiovascular system: lightheaded or fainting

* When in doubt, always seek a PD’s advise.

I hope you find this helpful the next time you are craving for some Japanese food and deprive yourself because you have a toddler with you. If you are still uncomfortable about the raw food, just order them a Japanese steam egg and grilled cod (or fish cheeks). Im sure they will enjoy it too!
