Review: Baby Anthyllis

Babies have delicate skin and its important that we use the right products. Call me paranoid but since becoming a mother, i am high particular about the skin care products i use on my kids and myself.


I first got to know about Baby Anthyllis when i was searching the net for less harmful skin products for LittleM cause he has eczema and it flared up. At that time, my older son was using Gaia (works wonderfully for the big brother) but the body wash and lotion didnt seem to be working on the second kid’s skin.


Baby Anthyllis is a line of products that respects the “Eco-friendly Organic Cosmetics” Standard by ICEA to offer your baby a safe line for the skin and to give respect for Nature and the Environment dell’Ambiente.


In addition to the products for skin care, the brand also have products for the cleaning and hygiene of garments, tableware, surfaces and objects which may come into contact with your baby.


With so many brands in the market these days, i sometimes get so overwhelmed when trying to find the right product for my kids. What gave Baby Anthyllis piqued my interest a little more because they have an anti-mozzie lotion!


If there is anything about me that people should know, it would be my. love for anti-mozzie products. I feel like a walking buffet for mosquito because everytime i go somewhere that may have mosquitoes present, and nobody else gets a single bite, i would have 20 or bites on my body! WHY? I really dont know.

Maybe moquitoes have a thing for me.

In any case, my kids inherited that from me and are also walking buffet spreads for mozzies. On top of getting bitten easily, my kids also have allergic reactions to mozzie bites. Yeap, you heard that right! They get bitten and i see their hands and feet, legs swell like as if a snake bit them!

Its terrible, hence my love for all things anti-mozzie.


The products are very mildly scented and gentle on skin. It does not strip baby’s skin of its natural moisture and cleanses throughly.


With harmful chemicals out of the way, i can take long relaxing bath sessions with LittleM without having to worry about how his skin might get damaged.


You can find out more about Baby Anthyllis products at