The Electric Pump Face Off

The Electric Breastpump Challenge! This is just for illustration purposes, there are 6 electric breastpump in this Challenge!

The Electric Breastpump Challenge! This is just for illustration purposes, there are 6 electric breastpump in this Challenge!

Its been awhile since i did a product challenge (one of the things that drove me to start MLBB in the first place)! So today, i finally decided to do the Electric Breast Pump Challenge. 😀

What are the things i look for in an electric breast pump?

1) Ease of use

2) Mobility

3) Efficiency

4) Noise Level

So in this challenge, I pumped every 2 hours on my right breast for 20mins with each pump to show you the efficiency of the various individual electric pumps in the market. The 6 pumps that are in this challenge are :

1) Medela Freestyle Breastpump
2) Medela Pump In Style Advance
3) Tollyjoy Double Electric Pump
4) Pigeon Electric Breastpump Pro
5) Avent Single Comfort Electric Pump
6) Spectra S1

*Note: My Medela PISA is 2 years old, so maybe the motor has weakened.

Here are my results!

Medela Freestyle Breastpump

Medela Freestyle Yield in 20mins = 300ml

Medela Freestyle Yield in 20mins = 300ml

 Ease Of Use: Its very easy to put the pump parts together (its almost idiot proof), my husband could do it without me teaching him. I like that there are no small tiny parts like in the PISA.

Mobility: Very very mobile, the motor unit itself only weighs a mere 400g. This unit does not require you to buy disposable batteries as the unit comes with a rechargeable one. You wont have to worry about wires as long as you remember to charge the unit. A full charge lasted me 15 pumps at 20 minutes each.

Efficiency: In 20mins, my total output from my right breast was a whopping 300ml.

Noise Level: Low.

Medela Pump In Style Advance

Medela Pump In Style Yield = 150ml

Medela Pump In Style Yield = 150ml

 Ease Of Use: Easy to put together, very strightforward. The only thing is that there is a little white membrane that can sometimes (quite easily) wear out or tear which will cause your pump to lose suction.

Mobility: The motor unit looks very fragile to me when i take it out of the bag/cover. So not exactly the most mobile looking pump. And you need to buy 8 double A batteries if you dont want to be attached to a socket.

Efficiency: In 20mins, my total output from my right breast was 140ml. Not too bad!

Noise Level: Low.

Tollyjoy Double Electric Pump

Tollyjoy Double Electric Pump Yield = 20ml

Tollyjoy Double Electric Pump Yield = 20ml

 Ease Of Use:  It took a good 5mins to figure out how to put the parts together. And i must say that this pump really didnt work out for me. Also, it doesnt function as a single pump (i had to use my thumb to block the other tubing so the suction would work on my right breast since i only wanted to pump 1 breast).

Mobility: Its like the Medela Pisa in terms of power supply. Either you are stuck connected to a socket for power or you have to buy double A batteries to be wireless.

Efficiency: In 20mins, my total output from my right breast was a very very disappointing 20ml. ):

Noise Level: High. Very very loud, if you have a baby or toddler sensitive to noise, this pump will NOT work out for you unless you use it as an alarm clock.

Pigeon Electric Breast Pump Pro

Pigeon Electric Breast Pump Pro yield = 100ml

Pigeon Electric Breast Pump Pro yield = 100ml

 Ease Of Use: The Comfort Double Properfit Large flanges feels absolutely comfortable. It really hugs my breast and fits snugly. The parts were easy to put together (also quite idiot proof). 

Mobility: It also works on double A batteries if you want to go wireless. The motor unit is bigger compared to the Medela Freestyle but its still better than the PISA.

Efficiency: In 20mins, my total out from my right breast was 100ml. 

Noise Level: Low. 

Avent Single Comfort Electric Pump

Avent Single Comfort Electric Pump yield = 100ml

Avent Single Comfort Electric Pump yield = 100ml

 Ease Of Use: Easy to put the pump parts together. But i feel that the Avent set is just so bulky and uncomfortable.

Mobility:  Not very mobile.

Efficiency:  In 40mins, my total output was 100ml. I pumped for 40mins because i dozed off. Sorry. Was super tired. The letdown was really slow with this machine.

Noise Level: High. This machine is loud.

Spectra S1

Spectra S1 yield = 200ml

Spectra S1 yield = 200ml

 Ease Of Use: Easy but also confusing. Needs time to figure out (you can also use Medela parts on this pump).

Mobility: The pump motor itself is pretty light but the shape is kind odd so packing it to bring it around might be a little of a hassle. S1 has built in battery like the freestyle.

Efficiency: In 25mins, my total output was 200ml. Not bad but still not my optimum.

Noise Level: Medium. Makes a really weird noise, unlike the Medela or Pigeon.


Overall, i think the Medela Freestyle was the best pump for me. 😀 I hope this helps some of you decide on the pump that you might want for yourself. This challenge mainly focused on efficiency and output of milk. I think at this stage, it is important to me as i would hate to be pumping for an hour everytime instead of spending precious time with Charles. And also, being mobile is a plus for me because Charles would come take my hand and want me to go follow him somewhere in the house. I will do a seperate post on how much each pump cost and maybe try to find out which pump will be the most value for money if you are on a tight budget. (:

I hope you enjoyed this post! Goodnight everyone!
