What have we been up to? Well, apart from being driven up the wall by our ex-maid who was operating an illegal human-trafficking ring (yeah, i know, just our luck), we have been busy training our new maid (100% fresh) … Continue reading
What have we been up to? Well, apart from being driven up the wall by our ex-maid who was operating an illegal human-trafficking ring (yeah, i know, just our luck), we have been busy training our new maid (100% fresh) … Continue reading
Parallel Import Prices, Worth The Risk? This topic has to be one of the hottest and most inconclusive debate amongst parents, retailers, distributors and importers. It is no secret that Parallel Importing is not illegal in Singapore, yet, and a … Continue reading
3 weeks ago, we had a smashing superhero themed party celebrating the milk monster’s big 1. Him along with 16 other August SG50 babies that might very well end up being his school mates when they start primary school. Once again, I planned the party … Continue reading