Review: Chicco Natural Feeding Bottle

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I have alot of request from you guys asking which bottle is best for a breastfeeding baby. My answer?

Every baby is DIFFERENT!

You need to trial and error with all the different bottles there are in the market to find out which is the bottle that your baby is most suited for. If you are lucky, your baby might be quite the easy-goer and just accept any bottle given. If your baby is slightly more fussy, it might take you 4 or 5 different bottles before you finally find a suitable one. BUT if your baby is anything like my 2 boys, you are in for a whole world of bottle adventure.

Mikhail, sadly, took after Charles and hates being bottle fed. But unlike Charles, he has no choice and had to learn to take the bottle. Why? Because I decided to go back to work. That means he has to at least go without latching for 12 hours a day! So we started our bottle search and after going through 12 different bottles, Mikhail eventually settled for 3 bottles. The rest, he wouldnt even suck.

His favourite bottle is the Chicco Natural Feeding Bottle. The one for newborns. I think its because the nipple is angled, very much like a boob and the teat is really super soft! So far, this is the bottle that he drinks from most without fussing. The bottle can hold up to 150ml of milk so I figure its enough for babies up to 6 months old.

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I would definitely recommend this bottle to all of you if you have a fussy baby who is just learning to take bottles. It is very wallet friendly and does everything it says it will. Mikhail did not suffer from nipple confusion even though i introduced the bottle to him at around 2 months of age. It is also very easy to wash with only 3 parts to it, unlike some bottles that may have the same qualities but have like many tiny extra bottle parts to wash and clean.

Here is picture of Mikhail being bottle fed while i was at work! 😀


There is a giveaway specially for you guys on my FACEBOOK page!


*I was given this bottle for free to review it BUT all opinions are absolutely my own!
