It was pretty late one night when I found this series on Netflix and took a dive into a lust-filled world in which 6 Japanese wives go through life in a tall skyscraper in the upper class district. The storyline is honestly a little bleh because its basically about infidelity and really fucked up marriages. It’s almost as if I was watching soft porn. Are all Japanese dramas like that?
The show revolves mostly around Sakura (ikr, such a typical name…) who is married to an asshole of a husband that blatantly cheats on her. The show literally starts with him cheating on her with someone else’s wife on the day of her birthday celebration.
Obviously she seems to know but as the good obedient Japanese wife that she is, she doesn’t say anything. She even had to get his permission to buy a pet goldfish. WHUT??! I wanted a cat and my husband had to scour the island for the perfect cat (I said grey, must have a sweet face and I must connect with the cat instantly). Yup. So I really don’t quite understand Sakura-san. Anyway, her shitty husband says she can get a pet goldfish but when she does get one, he smashes the fishbowl on to the ground. WHUT?!! This guy is really not for keeps sis.

This guy is not the main lead’s husband. This guy is the one that sold her the goldfish. *ahem* But clearly, he gave her more than a fishbowl filled with goldfish because I saw him giving her the D. Also, he looks younger than her.

This husband in the picture above is even weirder. He likes to watch his wife get groped and kissed by another guy. He invited his colleague home and told his colleague to hold her hand, kiss her, touch her boobies. OMG. Pervert.
Fishbowl Wives is about lust, about couples breaking out of their marriage and dealing with infidelity in their way. Six wives go through something similar, and there is one thing that connects them—taking care of a goldfish. The series begins with an intimate scene, hinting at where the story is headed. With that, the drama around an extra-marital affair and infidelity begins.
Watch it, just for kicks.