For the longest time, i have been wanting to buy a water and sand play table for Charles. I tried looking on Amazon but most of them dont ship to Singapore. ): So i totally forgot about it for awhile … Continue reading
For the longest time, i have been wanting to buy a water and sand play table for Charles. I tried looking on Amazon but most of them dont ship to Singapore. ): So i totally forgot about it for awhile … Continue reading
Im so so so so in love with this Ciinolin swaddle. Its so soft and gets softer with each wash! 😀 I love it so much, i bring it with me everywhere and its so versatile! In the above picture, … Continue reading
A day before i gave birth to Mikhail, we brought Charles out for a day of play and headed over to the newly opened indoor playground in orchard. It was a little hard to find as Centrepoint is currently under … Continue reading