Im struggling with this whole HBL (Home-based Learning) system whenever Singapore goes into a heighten alert phase. It is one thing to have the kids home all day while i try to have conversations with my clients regarding their photos … Continue reading →
Now that technology have advanced by leaps and bounds over the last decade since my first encounter with my first bully, the internet, specifically social media, has made it even easier for people to be bullies. Now, people can easily inflict emotional/mental pain on others, strangers behind the safety of their screens and keyboards. These people can do so, without any real consequences, as long as they know the loopholes and make sure to single out their victim without actually saying their names. Continue reading →
(Back-dated post) I was looking through my backend to do a clean-up and found this blog piece sitting in my drafts. Although it is all over, decided that i will publish it anyway so that you guys can refer to … Continue reading →